
How to add resources to a Moodle course

How to add resources to a Moodle course

Hello. In this article we shall show you how to add resources to a Moodle course.

First, log into your Moodle Dashboard and access the Course to which you would like to add a resource to:

Next, enable editing by clicking on the Cog button and selecting Turn editing on:

Once enabled, click on the +Add activity or resource button:

A pop-up window will appear, scroll down and locate the Resources category. Select the type of resource you would like to add(In this scenario we added a book) and click on Add:

Fill in the necessary fields and once you’re ready, click on Save and return to course:

Once done, you’ll be taken to your Course where the newly added resource will be listed under the selected topic:

Congratulations, you learned how to add resources to your Moodle course. Good Luck!