
How To Create Drupal Blocks

How to Create Drupal Blocks

In the following article, we will discuss how to create blocks in your Drupal application.

Blocks are a large part of your site's web page layout as they are placed in the regions of your theme. They can be created, rearranged or removed inside the Block layout option in the Administrative panel.

The first step into creating the Blocks is to login in the Administrative Panel of your Drupal website.

Once logged in you may proceed by choosing the "Structure" section of the Admin Panel and then navigate to the "Block layout" option.

Once there, you would need to choose the "Custom block library" tab at the top of the section and select the "+ Add custom block" button in order to create a new block.

You should now be redirected in the block creation page where you can fill the information required such as the Block description and the Body of the custom block.

Once you have entered the desired information and have edited it to your liking, you may proceed with saving the new block that you have created by using the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.