How to add and manage products in Magento?

In this section of our Magento Tutorials we will provide you with the Basic Steps of creating and managing the Products in your Magento Online Store. As one of the base functionalities of Magento is creating an online store, we will now provide you with more information so you can better familiarize yourself with the […]
How to manage product attributes and attribute sets in Magento?

In this section of our Magento Tutorials we will cover how to manage your Product Attributes and what they are exactly. When creating an online Store, it is also important to provide to your Customers the option to choose between different variations of the Product that you are offering. The Magento developers have implemented this […]
How to install extensions in Magento?

In this section of our Magento Tutorials we will provide you with more information on how you will be able to install extensions from the different Magento Extension Vendors. You might be asking why would you be needing extensions on your Magento installation and we are here to answer this question for you. The Magento […]
How to manage reports in Magento?

When you run an online business (actually any business) you need to make sure that you get up to date information about your sales, income, customers and products. It is of great importance to have a fast and easy way to obtain such feedback, rather than checking all the entries one by one. Fortunately the […]
Magento Search Engine Optimization

The Search Engine Optimization is a very important aspect when creating any online project. When it comes to an online store it becomes crucial for the further development and prosperity of your business. The Magento application provides you with an option to use rewrites in order to get better results in SEO. Actually the basics […]
How to create a backup of your Magento store?

Keeping a copy of the files and database associated with your store is always a good idea due to the fact that something unexpected can cause it to malfunction or even worse – some of the files might be mistakenly deleted. You can rest assured that on all of our shared hosting packages a weekly […]
Which are the different product types in Magento?

As you should probably know when running an online eCommerce website you need the option to sell various types of products such as physical and digital goods. In Magento you can benefit from such feature, which the developers have implemented in the application’s core. If you have already checked the Products section of our tutorial […]
Magento main features

During the years of development Magento has become a leader in the ecommerce field and this is not a coincidence. It provides various functionalities that make it a preferred solution when you want to build an online store. In this section of our tutorial we will highlight the main functionalities that the Magento Community Edition […]
Basic functions in the Magento administration panel

As we have mentioned in the previous section of our Magento tutorial the application provides you with a huge variety of functionalities that you can use to manage the content and appearance of your website. That is why in this article we will cover some of the most important and basic functions of the […]
How to install themes in Magento?

In this section of our Magento Tutorials we will provide you with more information on the different appearance customization options available for your Magento Application. Even if the Magento Developers created a nice looking default Theme, that can easily be adjusted to your personal preference, you might have found another Theme that looks better for […]