phpMotion Introduction

phpMotion Media Sharing CMS – phpMotion is a free video sharing software that also has support for other types of media such as audio/mp3 sharing. The Content Management System or (media cms application) will allow you to create and run your very own Video Sharing website, Music Sharing Site, Picture Sharing Site. With very little […]
How to install phpMotion?

With our phpMotion hosting package you will never be on your own. Our expert phpMotion technical support team will make sure that you have a bug-free and secure phpMotion installation in less than 10 minutes, complete free of charge. The phpMotion Installation can be requested from the client’s area -> Get Support section -> Submit […]
How to install phpMotion under a subdirectory?

With our phpMotion hosting package you will never be on your own. Our expert phpMotion technical support team will make sure that you have a bug-free and secure phpMotion installation in less than 10 minutes, completely free of charge. The phpMotion Installation can be requested from the client’s area -> Get Support section -> Submit […]
How to manage the basic settings of phpMotion?

We will show you in a few simple steps how to manage the basic settings of your phpMotion based website. The first step is to login to the administrator back-end of your phpMotion: When you are logged in the right menu will be already selected and it is “Home”: Right under it you will […]
How to manage the user permissions on phpMotion?

We will show you here how to manage the users/groups permissions registered on your phpMotion based website. Also we will provide you with information on how to manage the functions available under the same top navigation menu which holds the users permission link. The first step is to login to the administrator back-end of your […]
How to manage the core administrator phpMotion functions?

In this article we will provide you with a brief review of all the phpMotion functions which were not mentioned in the more detailed tutorials provided here. phpMotion provides a lot of functions for users and their management. Also it allows different files types upload, blogs and groups creation, as well as comments on the […]
How to create a new category/subcategory in phpMotion?

We will show you here in a few simple steps how to create a new category/subcategory in phpMotion. The first step is to login to the administrator back-end of the script: This is a very important step as without any categories you will not be able to upload any content to your phpMotion. As […]
How to install extra themes in phpMotion?

Having a great-looking and unique phpMotion website has never been easier before. Simply choose the phpMotion theme that you would like to have on your phpMotion video portal and our professional tech support team will install it for free in almost no time. Any phpMotion theme installation can be requested from the client’s area -> […]
How to create a backup of phpMotion website?

You can easily create a backup of your phpMotion website by simply downloading all of your files via FTP and export your database. You can access your phpMotion files and download these via FTP by following the instructions at: Your CMS MySQL database can be easily exported via your cPanel -> phpMyAdmin following the […]