
How to install Docebo?

MySQL database setup and adding a user for Docebo Prior to install Docebo, you have to create a MySQL database and add a user with all privileges to it. You can do this by following the simple steps below or our video tutorial: How to create MySQL Database Log into your CPanel (located at for […]

How to create a new course in Docebo LMS?

In order to create a new course for your Docebo e-learning system, please refer to the admin area of your application at: https://your-domain/doceboCore/ After login with your administrative username and password, please navigate to E-Learning icon on the top menu -> E-Learning -> Course management After being redirected to the new course page you can set […]

How to subscribe to already existing courses in Docebo?

You can subscribe to a course very easy by accessing your LMS platform at: https://your-domain/doceboLms From the main page, please click on the Course catalog from the navigation bar at the top. On the course catalog page you will be displayed with all the available publish courses in which you can participate. You can navigate […]

How to add a new user to your Docebo?

If you would like to create a new user for your application you should refer to the Docebo administrative area via https://your-domain/doceboCore/. From the main page, please refer to the Main icon on the top -> Users -> Users Management. On the User management page, please lick on the New user icon on the bottom of the […]

How to enable Google Analytics for your Docebo LMS?

If you would like to enable Google Analytics for your Docebo installation first you will need to register your website on the official Google Analytics website here. When you subscribe your website via the Google Analytics interface you will be provided with a javascript code. You should copy this code and refer to the administrative area […]

How to configure your Docebo with DimDim and Teleskill?

DimDim and  Teleskill provide services which allow you to schedule and create virtual class rooms which supports audio/video conference as well as presentation mode. Docebo can be fully integrated with both DimDim and Telekill accounts. In order to configure your Docebo to connect to these services you should refer to your admin area via https://your-domain/doceboCore/ and refer […]

How to Create Pages and Content for your Docebo?

In order to create content for your integrated CMS platform you should refer to the administrative panel of Docebo via https://your-domain/doceboCore/. From the admin area, please navigate to the Web Portal -> Pages tab. From the Page Management click on the ”root” and add new language area. On the next page you should select the desired […]

How to Create a Forum on your Docebo?

You can create a forum for your Docebo via the administrative area https://your-domain/doceboCore/ by clicking on the Web Portal -> Community -> Forum. On the forum page, please click on the Add new forum link. From the new page, you can set your forum title and description then click on the Insert button. When you have […]

Docebo LMS Introduction

Docebo is an Open Source e-Learning platform (LMS and LCMS) used in corporate and higher education markets. The Platform supports more than 18 languages and can support different didactic models, including Blended, Self-Directed, Collaborative and even Social Learning through Chat, Wiki, Forums and 53 other different functions. In this tutorial we will provide you with step […]