
How to install MiaCMS?

With this MiaCMS hosting package you will never be on your own. Our expert MiaCMS technical support team will make sure that you have a bug-free and secure MiaCMS installation in less than 10 minutes, complete free of charge. The MiaCMS Installation can be requested from the client’s area -> Get Support section -> Submit Support Ticket. MySQL database setup […]

How to create sections, categories and content?

Just like Mambo and Joomla for example, MiaCMS uses sections and categories to categorize the content of your application. In order to publish an article or any content you should have a section and category under which it will be published. To create a section via your MiaCMS admin panel, please navigate to the Content […]

How to install templates?

Having a great-looking and unique MiaCMS website has never been easier before. Simply choose the MiaCMS style that you would like to have on your MiaCMS website and our professional tech support team will install it for free in almost no time. Any MiaCMS Style installation can be requested from the client’s area -> Get Support section […]

How to install modules?

Put no limits on your MiaCMS website functionalities by getting new features and addons. As a part of our free premium support service we will install any MiaCMS modules on your website completely free of charge. Free MiaCMS modules Installation can be requested from the client’s area -> Get Support section -> Submit Support Ticket. The MiaCMS universal installer provides you […]

How to enable SEF?

To enable the Search engine friendly URLs for your MiaCMS you should first rename the htaccess.txt file which is located in your MiaCMS directory to .htaccess. This file contains all the rewrite rules that are required by your application to rewrite the URLs of your articles and pages to SEO optimized and human readable links. […]

How to create a sitemap in MiaCMS?

In order to generate a Sitemap for your MiaCMS website, please refer to the administrative area of your account and refer to the Components -> Sitemap menu. From the SiteMap page set the XML SiteMap and Sitemap Page to Yes and click on the update button on the top right corner.

MiaCMS Introduction

It is important to mention that even a fork of the Mambo application and based on the original Mambo core, MiaCMS is a stand-alone fully featured CMS system which does not require a Mambo installation prior to the MiaCMS setup. One of the key features of MiaCMS are the easy 4-step-installation, Multilanguage support, OpenID and […]